How to stay Physically fit While Running a Business


How to stay Physically fit While Running a Business

When you're running a business, many people assume that it’s easier for you to find time to exercise, since you’re the one in charge of your time. But

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When you’re running a business, many people assume that it’s easier for you to find time to exercise, since you’re the one in charge of your time. But it’s actually the opposite, many entrepreneurs wish they could have more hours in a day in order to exercise, because they spend hours working on their business. Even though i myself run a business and hardly have any time for exercise, i’m still physically fit, and actually exercise consistently. If you have a hard time staying physically fit while running a business, here are few tips that worked for me, and i hope they will work for you too.

Prioritize Exercise Over Everything Else

This is the one mindset change that really helped me. Try to think of working on your physical health as the most important thing, because it is actually. If your health is deteriorating, then how can you keep working on your business ? Your health is the most important and most valuable thing that you should prioritize. The thing that really helped me is scheduling my workouts.

For me personally, the first thing that i do in the morning is working out. Because to be honest with you, i don’t really find it that interesting, and i like to finish that task first thing in the morning. If i keep rescheduling it, then i will either forget about that task, or just be less motivated to do it, and not do it in the end. Wake up earlier if you need to, but working out first thing in the morning has been a game changer for me. 

Workout Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

Now, at the beginning this will be really hard, and i get it, i’ve been there. But when you make it a habit, to go and train regardless of how you feel, you’ll get used to it. I’ve been unmotivated 100s of times and i still trained, and i’m so proud that i did that, because i’ve built a very good physique, and my health is better than it ever was. But if you’re really tired then you can always shorten your workouts. Remember, the most important thing is to train regularly.

Exercise In The Morning Before You Check Your Emails

I also fail at this sometimes, but when i do exercise before even looking at my phone, i always perform better, and i also feel much better. On the opposite when i first check my emails before going to train, i’m constantly thinking about how to respond to emails from my clients, and what tasks i need to do today. When i train first thing in the morning i feel much better, my mind isn’t distracted, and i enjoy my workouts much more.

If you’re struggling with losing fat, then the best thing for you would be to try some supplements. When choosing a supplement you need to be very careful, as there are many trash products online. The one supplement that i tried and worked for me is AOD 9604 Peptide. It can immobilize and break down fat which is going to lead to fat loss. You can purchase aod 9604 online, but only buy it from trusted peptide shops. 

Count Your Calories

If you’re like me and you’re working from home, then there is one disadvantage, and those are snacks. When i’m on my laptop, i constantly have this desire to go to the kitchen and grab some snacks. And while i’m working i have no idea how many calories i’m consuming from these snacks, and i end up gaining few pounds. I realized that constant snacking is causing me to gain weight, which is why i started to count calories, and let me tell you, it worked wonders for me.

Now this doesn’t mean that you should be constantly thinking about the number of calories that you consumed, and be obsessed with number. Take it easy. Another benefit from counting calories which i noticed, is that i started to eat more mindfully. I know exactly how many calories i should consume, and what foods i should eat. When you’re counting calories and have only a limited number, then you’ll be more aware of the food that you’re eating, and stop snacking just like i did. For counting calories, i recommend you to use app called MyFitnessPal, as its easy to use.

Find An Activity That You Enjoy

I think we can agree that you’ll continue the habit of regularly training, if you enjoy it. If i had to go to the gym every day and use an elliptical machine for 45 minutes, then i would probably quit training, as its boring to me. Now the best thing for you is to try out various types of exercises, and see which one is the most fun for you. I like doing exercises with dumbbells, and most of my exercises are with dumbbells. Now for you it might be something different, you may like calisthenics for example. The most important thing here is to find the type of strength training which looks most fun for you, and stick with it. 

Make It Social

Now some people like to train alone, and there are advantages to that. But you can always train with other people, and you can push each other to your maximum. Find what you like the most and stick with it.